miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010



Como consideramos importante que te acostumbres también a escuchar el inglés que  hablan las personas no nativas de países angloparlantes, hoy traemos los comentarios del Sr. Naihm Shuari, dueño de un restaurante de la India. En este caso en particular, observarás que la diferencia más perceptible entre la pronunciación del inglés indio y la del inglés británico o americano se encuentra en el acento. Y que las frases no tienen un ritmo regular tan marcado como cuando las pronuncian los británicos o los americanos.
Para obtener una traducción textual al español acerca la flecha de tu ratón a las palabras resaltadas en amarillo.


In our restaurant, we serve basically curry and rice: lamb, chicken, prawn. Prawn is a very popular dish. And ... er ... then ... um ... "Tandoori" is basically to start with.
"Tandoori" is ... er ... pieces of chicken, of lamb, or any kind of meat, which is marinated in the yoghurt sauce, and then it's cooked in a charcoal clay oven. And, you see, it's the smell of the charcoal which gets to the meat, and that's what gives it the "Tandoori" taste.
This dish was first introduced - made popular, I should say - by "Moti Mahal" of New Delhi. They're the people who made this dish popular.
At the -- the big restaurants, or the more popular restaurants, they have started ... er ..., on the menu, to explain the dishes. You see, otherwise you could be spending least about fifteen minutes with one party, explaining to them the whole menu.
So, to make it easier, they have written ... er ... underneath the dish, they have explained it. Well, anyway, the waiter is there to help you and ... um ... let you know what the thing is.
Majority of the restaurants here -- they have got the "hotness" (the strength of the curries) ... er ... to the ... um ... level here, you see. It's not "Indian hot". It's "London hot", as you would say. It's been toned down.

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