sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

Los conectores nos ayudan a conectar varias frases

Las conjunciones (conjunctions) sirven como conectores que lo que hacen es unir dos frases en una.  Al unir dos frases en una, la unión se representa con una coma. Resumo: antes de so, because, but, or y and (si viene en secuencia de varios enunciados), VA COMA.  
Aquí dejo las conjunciones más comunes en inglés con unos ejemplos. 

Because (porque)
-We could not attend the meeting, because the train was delayed.
(No pudimos asistir a la reunión, porque el tren estaba retrasado)

-I will be out of the office tomorrow, because I have to attend a conference in Brussels.
(Estaré fuera de la oficina mañan,a porque tengo que asistir a un congreso en Bruselas)

But (pero)

-I have not finished the report yet, but I hope to finish it tomorrow.
(Todavía no he terminado el informe, pero espero acabarlo mañana)

-The company received a lot of new orders, but still made a loss at the end of the year.
(La compañía recibió muchos pedidos nuevos, pero aún así perdió dinero al final del año).

So (así que)

-The sofa was reduced to half price, so we decided to buy it.
(El precio del sofá estaba reducido a la mitad, así que decidimos comprarlo)

-I couldn't buy the shoes in the end, so I bought a pair of trousers.
(No pude comprar las zapatillas al final, asi que me compre unos pantalones)

Amplía para ver mejor

Sentence connectors improve your writing. They add variety and sophistication to your style of writing.
In this lesson we will learn about words and expressions used to show cause and effect.
In English, we use several different words to show cause and effect. Examples are: for, because, as, since, therefore, hence, as a result, consequently, due to, because of, as a result of, etc.
He must be asleep for there is no light in his room.
I decided to call it a day – for I was feeling tired.
I helped him, because I liked him.
Since he had not paid the rent, he was told to vacate the room.
As it is raining again, we will have to stay at home.
It was raining, so we stayed at home.
·         So shows the effect. 
·         As, since and because show the cause.

So — Purpose vs. Effect

The preposition so with a meaning expressing purpose or intent takes a that-clause as its complement, usually with  can or couldThat is often omitted in speech but not in writing.
We stayed out all night
so that we could watch a meteor storm.¹
We took some blankets
so (that) we could keep warm.

So has two meanings and uses for expressing effect: (1) a connective adverb expressing a result of the main clause; (2) an adverb, an intensifer, with a that-clause complement.
We stayed up so late,
so we were able to see the meteor storm pass.²
(connective adverb)
We took so many blankets
that we kept warm all night.

¹could – is used to state a potential, later activity
²were able to – is used for a single past event (not could)

As he hasn’t arrived yet, we will have to go without him.
He hasn’t arrived yet, so we will have to go without him.
The poor parents could not support the baby. Therefore they sent him to an orphanage.
We had to cancel the trip due to my daughter’s illness.
Owing to bad weather the match was cancelled.
We had to cancel the match, because of bad weather.
I was late owing to the fact that the train broke down.

Choose the appropriate linker:and ,so,but or because.

1-In summer we wear light clothes the weather is hot.
2-I have a tooth ache  I must see a dentist as early as I can.
3-It is rainy  windy today.
4-I like walking  I never go to school on foot it is 10 miles away from home.
5-My son is calm  easy-going my daughter is very moody  they never agree together.
6-I am English  I live in the USA  I work with a company there.
7-I love painting  fishing  they teach me concentration.
8-Jane hates swimming  she spends her summer holidays on the beach she loves sunbathing.
9-It is always rainy in winter  you should always take an umbrella with you.
10-Fast foods are delicious  usually unhealthy people should avoid them.
11-Peter is obese the doctor advised him to practise sport regularly.
12-Parents  children should have good relationships.

"Because or So?"
Micha worked all night.  +   Micha was tired.
Use because to give a reason:
Use so to show a result:
Micha was tired because she worked all night.
Why was she tired? 
Because she worked all night.
Micha worked all night, so she was tired.
She worked all night, so what happened? 
She was tired.
Write BECAUSE or SO in the blanks below. Don't forget the comma!
  1. Ruby enjoys cooking __________ she invited all of her classmates over for dinner.
  2. Everyone enjoys a good home-cooked meal __________ everybody went to Ruby's house.
  3. Taka ate two plates full of food __________ he was very hungry!
  4. Larena and Tammi shared a plate of food  __________ they like the same things.
  5. Maria is a professional bartender __________ she mixed drinks for everybody.
  6. There were lots of lemons on the table __________ Sam brought a big bag full of lemons.
  7. Sara is a musician __________ she played the piano and sang to entertain everyone.
  8. Leo and Kazu danced in the middle of the livingroom  __________ they love to dance.
  9. Filiz asked for the recipe __________ she loved the dinner.
  10. Delma also loved the dinner  __________ she asked for the recipe too.
  11. Ruby's recipe is a secret family recipe  __________ she couldn't give it away.
  12. Filiz and Delma were disappointed __________ Ruby wouldn't share the recipe, but they understood why.
  13. Ruby worked very hard to prepare the meal __________ she was very tired.
  14. Lenny, Sandy and Sassy cleaned off the table __________  the dishes could be washed.
  15. Abrahim, Hiro and Kadir offered to wash the dishes __________ poor Ruby was really tired.
  16. All the classmates said, "Thank you!"  __________ they enjoyed the dinner.
  17. It was getting late  __________ everybody started leaving.
  18. Ruby slept for two days  __________ she was exhausted!
  19. When we are giving a reason, we use ________ .
  20. When we are showing results, we use ________ .

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