miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010


Colombia 1 AUDIO

Colombia 2

Hoy esta sección está dedicada a nuestros hermanos colombianos; por ello, la encabezan los colores de su bandera, los colores de la LIBERTAD (y ya sabes por qué). Aquí va un breve artículo acerca de Colombia y de su afamado producto, el café colombiano que en Argentina tanto nos "desespera".

Al pie de las transcripciones, un vocabulario bilingüe te servirá de ayuda.
Pulsa "AUDIO 1" y "AUDIO 2" para escuchar. Para descargar ambos archivos de audio a tu computadora, acerca el ratón a cada palabra ("AUDIO 1" y "AUDIO 2") y --con botón derecho-- selecciona la opción "Guardar Archivo Como".

Colombia is located in the Northwestern part of South America and it's the fourth largest country in South America. It has coastlines in both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. It has a population of around 36 million, and is a very beautiful country. 
The capital city is Bogota which was founded by the Spaniards in 1538. Almost all Colombians speak Spanish which is the country's official language. The religion of the majority of the population is Roman Catholic. Some of the most important industries are textiles and clothing. Other industries include mining and oil.
Agriculture is the most important section of the economy and Colombia is main agricultural producer of coffee, flowers, sugar, bananas, rice, corn, and cotton. Colombia produces more coffee than any other country, except Brazil.

Trata de responder en base al texto, con una respuesta completa.
  1. Where is Colombia located?
  2. Is Colombia large?
  3. Has it coastlines?
  4. Which is the capital city?
  5. When was founded?
  6. Which is their religion?
  7. What language do the Colombians speak?
  8. What are the most important industries?
  9. Which is the most important section of the economy?
  10. What Colombia produces?
NOTA: Presta atención a la pronunciación que la locutora norteamericana aplica a la consonante T en las palabras resaltadas en color rosado [en algunos casos casi no pronuncia y, en otros, la convierte en R suave.].
(Habla un probador o catador de café)
"I've already mentioned that there are two basic coffee bushes: there's robusta, which is relatively coarse, woody, earthy sort of taste and there's arabica, which is much finer, much more aromatic. But coffees do vary also from one country to the next. For instance, Kenya coffee tends to be quite acid but it has the most wonderful aromatic fruity note. When you cross the ocean to Colombia the coffees are much rounder, fuller, richer, not so acid and not so fresh. Some people like this fresh acidity, and some people much prefer the more balanced roundness of the Colombian ..."

 Trata de responder en base al texto, con una respuesta completa. 
  1. How many basic coffee bushes are there?
  2. How ROBUSTA is?
  3. How ARABICA is?
  4. How Kenya coffee is?
  5. How Colombian coffee is?

Northwestern: Noroeste; coastline: costa, línea costera; population: población; of around: de aproximadamente, estimada en; found / founded / founded / founding: fundar / fundó / fundado / fundando (ciudad, pueblo, empresa); textiles: industrias textiles; clothing: indumentaria; mining: minería; oil: aceite; section: sector, rubro, renglón; rice: arroz; corn: maíz; cotton: algodón; blend: mezcla, combinación; coffee-taster: catador o probador de café; bushes: arbustos, plantas; coarse: de granulado grueso; woody: leñoso; earthy: terroso, común; finer: de sabor más delicado; do vary: realmente varían [auxliar DO usado como enfatizador]; for instance: por ejemplo; tends to be: tiende a ser; fruity note: sabor frutado; much rounder: mucho más rotundos, fuertes; fuller: más puro; richer: más graso, con mayor porcentaje de grasa o aceites; fresh: fresco, natural; acidity: acidez; balanced roundness: la fuerza equilibrada. 

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